Weekend Indulgence

  Indulging once in a while is completely normal, but I know that it can leave you feeling failed and beat. Because I am so busy during the week, I find that I often fall under the “weekend binge” once Friday night roles along. Here are a few steps to get back “on schedule” after a weekend of one too many extra servings and a few skipped workouts:

  1. Relax: I know what its like, trust me. After a weekend of overindulgence and a few skipped workouts, you may feel completely defeated and guilt.  Although it may seem like you gained back all the weight that you worked so hard to lose, this is most likely not the case. DON’T plan to starve yourself for the next few days to “get back on track,” this will only lead to your digestive system being thrown off.
  2. Eat high fibre breakfast: A high fiber cereal (at least 28 grams of fiber per serving), oatmeal, homemade juice, etc., are all great options for jump-starting your day. Fiber is great for expelling any junk in your digestive track and it will keep you full for hours and hours!
  3. Hydrate with water and green tea:  Flush all the junk out of your system by naturally hydrating!
  4. Have high protein meals for dinner: Skip the carb-heavy meals and opt for a high-protein dish. Chicken breasts, salmon, and tofu are great, low-fat, high-protein choices.
  5. Hit the gym: The sooner you get your butt back to the gym, the better you’ll feel. Try not to skip your Monday workout routines, this will set the pace for the rest of your week. If you don’t have time to hit the gym, push-ups, squats and burpees at home are great ways to get your heart rate going.
  6. Get enough sleep: Fatigue is known to lead to excess snacking throughout the day because your body is craving a source of additional energy.
  7. Love yourself and your body

4 responses to “Weekend Indulgence

  1. I feel better after reading your post 🙂
    The past 2 weeks, I was so busy and I neglect my diet, and skipped workout, I feel very sad… but now Im going to start again, eating right and doing my workouts. Your tips are really inspiring, thanks.


  2. Thanks for reminding me of these things. I get so caught up in the never ending to-do list that I often forget to take care of myself. Today is a new day and I will start here with your beautiful suggestions. 🙂

  3. weekends are my time that i take a break from my diet. i eat healthy during the week and indulge on the weekend. I always feel guilty about doing that, but reading things like this helps.

    we only get to live once…so why not be able to enjoy yummy food once in a while 🙂

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